Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017

The Most Typical Characteristics Of HIV: Diarrhea, Mouth Ulcers, Body Weight Down

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The Most Typical Characteristics Of HIV: Diarrhea, Mouth Ulcers, Body Weight Down


Jakarta, infection Human Imunodeficiency Virus (HIV) were not recognized earlier drive to do a blood test. But there are many typical signs of infection that characterize it, such as diarrhea, mouth ulcers as well as the weight of the body down. In a lot of trouble, new HIV infections in the know when it has appeared opportunistic infections or companion. Opportunistic infections that are often faced by people with HIV among them Tuberculosisi (TBC), pulmonary TUBERCULOSIS, pneumonia pulmonari extra as well as oral candidiasis or thrush. But before a variety of infections that companion mucnul, doctors have been able to suspect someone of patients suffering from HIV if you show symptoms that are most typical. The most typical signs of it namely diarrhea, mouth ulcers as well as critical body weight down. When a patient comes in with all the signs of it, the doctor can be prejudiced patient it i.e. people with HIV, said Dr. h. Ari Fahrial sham, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, FINASIM, FACP from Union Experts of the disease In Indonesia (PAPDI) in a press conference at the restaurant Munik Matraman, Thursday (1/12/2011). Though it can be prejudiced, the doctor remains could not give discriminatory treatment in patients that. Discriminatory treatment in patients with HIV generally take place due to the lack of insight few doctors or health workers about the virus. When feeling the patients suspected of HIV positive, Dr. Ari just concerned because when to show signs of infection so it certainly has long-running as well as it may just be unnoticed. Though when detected starting from the beginning, healing definitely is getting more easy. In a press conference, Dr Ari also inform if this is now a national Basis has made PAPDI Service medicine (PNPK) HIV/AIDS. Basic selekasnya which established and signed by the Minister of health it is filled 72 references related to early detection, diagnosis, prevent and cure HIV infection.

